I am waiting for someone at the mall when I saw this book displayed outside of the store. To my curiosity, I went inside the and look for that book, unfortunately I didn't find it cause of someone who interrupted me! hhmpp! stupid.... Anyway, I really wanna know what's inside that book and what are those secrets we need to discover before we die, so what I did, I went to the mall again and look for that book to buy it, unfortunately I can't find it na! asar! I even asked the sales lady. gggrrr..
So, I've search for that book over the net, viola! so what are those secrets? hhmm...
‘Live everyday for what it is, don’t worry about what will happen, the next day will take care of itself, what will be will be, learn to accept and for the next day to happen’
The Five Secrets You Must Know Before You Die:
1.Be True to Yourself:
You must follow your heart and your dreams, not the dreams someone else has for you. This may mean making a radical change in your life, or simply making small adjustments. The key to continually examine your life is to make sure you are following your own true path.
Questions to ask yourself: Did this week or day feel like my kind or week/day? What would make tomorrow or next week feel more true to myself?
2.Leave No Regrets:
Although all of the people whom Izzo interviewed had some regrets, people who had the fewest were the happiest. A common theme for happiness was that people don’t regret risks that failed; instead they regretted not having risked more.
Questions to ask yourself: Did I act on my convictions this week? How am I responding to the setbacks in my life right now? Am I stepping forward or retreating?
3.Become Love: The more you focus on acting with love, the more you will find happiness. This begins with choosing to love yourself and breaking away from thoughts that are self-defeating and self-critical. You must make loving relationships a priority in your life.
Questions to ask yourself: Did I make room for friends, family and relationships today or this week? Did I spread love and kindness in the world at each interaction?
4.Live the Moment: Living the moment means living your life now rather than simply planning it. “We must always live in the present moment, the only moment in which we have any power.”
Questions to ask yourself: Did I fully enjoy whatever I was doing this day/week? What am I grateful for right now?
5.Give More Than You Take: Each day you have the power to give without limit. Giving connects people to something larger than themselves – whether it’s a supreme being of the entire human experience and journey.
Questions to ask yourself: Did I make the world a better place this week in a small? Was I kind, generous, giving this week? How can I be more that way tomorrow?